Hvor kan man foretage implantation billigt og kvalitativt?

Implantation er en operation, hvor man erstatter en naturlig tand med en kunstig tand. En metalpind, implantatet, skrues ind i tandkødet og erstatter den fjernede rod. Derefter sættes en krone på.

Implantation giver dig mulighed for at redde nabotænderne, fordi de ikke skal afpudses og slibes, som det er tilfældet med en bro. Den kunstige kæbe er perfekt understøttet af implantaterne. Den kan endda gøres uudskiftelig. Men implantater giver også stabil støtte til en aftagelig kæbe.

Implantation har få ulemper. Kontraindikationer af helbredsmæssige årsager, varigheden af to-trins-protokollen og, vigtigst af alt, prisen. Derfor er mange patienter bekymrede over spørgsmålet: "Hvor kan man placere billige implantater?". Og begrebet "billigt" er forskelligt for alle.

Hvad påvirker omkostningerne ved implantation Producent

Traditionelt fremstilles de dyreste implantater af pionererne på dette område - europæiske mærker. Nobel Biocare, St...

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Preparation for prosthetics

Sooner or later we all have to use the services of a prosthodontist. A crown on a decayed tooth, a bridge, a bracket or plate prosthesis, veneers - whatever method we use, the success of treatment depends largely on the preparation for prosthetics.

Specific measures may vary depending on the type of work, but there are general principles. If they are not followed, it may be a reason to change dentistry. A qualified prosthodontist is interested in the result of his labor. Such a doctor understands that there are no trifles.

Psychological preparation

Most people are afraid of going to the dentist. A patient who is stiff, shaking from fear does not go well to a conversation, it is difficult to interact with him. The work of the prosthodontist begins long before the fitting of the prosthesis. The first thing to do is to establish emotional contact. If the doctor is friendly and attentive, he is trustworthy. The patient will be more open to discussin…

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Materials for prosthetic teeth

Although prosthodontics as a science was formed not so long ago, people have been practicing dentures since antiquity. Animal bones, semi-precious stones, hard wood - what only ancient physicians did not use as a material of prostheses. But the methods of fastening were rather monotonous - with the help of gold, rarely silver, wire.

What are dentures made of now? The composition for prosthetics is selected for a specific clinical case, taking into account the patient's wishes, indications and contraindications.

Basic requirements to the material for dentures

Although a wide variety of materials are used in prosthetics, all of them must meet certain requirements: to be durable, functional and attractive in appearance. This is why gold crowns and iron …

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Hvor er det bedste sted at få tandimplantater?

Implantation af tænder er kommet ind i det moderne menneskes liv, men de fleste mennesker er stadig på vagt over for denne operation. Dyrt og langvarigt - det er de vigtigste associationer. Men det er slet ikke tilfældet.

Et implantat er en titaniumstift (stang), der skrues ind i tandkødet. Der vokser det ind i knoglevævet og fungerer som en solid base for en krone. Hvorfor er det bedre at have et implantat? Implantatstøttede broer og proteser holder godt fast og irriterer ikke slimhinden. De forhindrer knogletab, hvilket betyder, at dit smil forbliver ungdommeligt, og at din kæbe ikke hænger. Desuden er implantater nemme at vedligeholde, de er ikke anderledes end naturlige tænder.

Hvad med dyrt og tidskrævende?

Ja, implantater er ikke billige. Men proteser og broer skal udskiftes regelmæssigt, mens implantater holder resten af livet. Og det er ikke så entydigt med "længe" længere. Der findes forskellige implantatprotokoller. To-trins, også kaldet klassisk, tager flere måneder. ...

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Hvordan vælger man en tandlæge og går ikke glip af noget? Tips fra eksperter

Tandlægebesøg er for de fleste mennesker forbundet med smerte og ubehag. Kun 2% af befolkningen har ingen tandlægeskræk. Derfor er spørgsmålet om, hvordan man vælger en tandlæge, der giver kvalitetshjælp og ikke efterlader et psykologisk traume for livet, meget relevant.

Du kan henvende dig til en lillebitte klinik, som vi går forbi hver dag. Du kan gå til et luksuriøst tandlægecenter.

Sådan vælger du en tandklinik

Før du beslutter dig for, hvor du vil gå i behandling, skal du lære mere om behandlingsstedet. I dag er der ingen, der har tid til at gå fra den ene institution til den anden for at afklare oplysninger eller stille spørgsmål. Søgningen begynder på internettet. Det første, der springer i øjnene, er hjemmesiden.

Hjemmesiden er det første skridt i valget af tandlæge

Hvor informativ er den? Hvis siden ikke indeholder andet end opfordringer til at behandle dem, så har de ikke noget at prale af. I centre med et anstændigt omdømme indeholder webstedet en masse ...

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Where to treat teeth inexpensively and qualitatively?

Caries, inflamed gums, purulent discharge in the mouth - you want to solve any dental problem in a place where your teeth will be treated inexpensively and qualitatively. Treatment centers entice with low prices. It seems like you want to save money, but you are afraid to make a mistake. How to choose a clinic and not to get caught on the money?

We have compiled a check-list, which will help to check the dentistry before you start treatment

1. Transparent, definitive prices

Wanting to save money, it's easy to fall into the trap of low rates. Unscrupulous treatment facilities lure customers in by promising to make everything cheaper than it is, and when it comes time to pay up - the fees are an order of magnitude higher. Because:

the ruble has fallen, and consumables imported, so the price has increased; had to make an additional shot (or any other service); consumption of materials turned out to be more than expec…
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Safe teeth whitening: gentle ways to brighten enamel

A snow-white smile is the dream of every person. And everyone is interested in safe teeth whitening. Many people have heard about unsuccessful experiences from friends, from the Internet and are afraid to repeat these mistakes. But the procedure is well studied, but it is important to know in which clinic in Moscow you can conduct a really high-quality and gentle teeth whitening.

Is it possible to whiten teeth safely

What is teeth whitening? It is a cosmetic procedure that changes the color of dentin (and it is on it that the color of the tooth depends) - lightening by several tones under the influence of active substances. Whether it is safe or not depends on the professionalism of the dentist, as well as on the technology and preparations that are used for this purpose (these should be registered preparations, modern methods). If we talk about whitening at home - everything is the same, only instead of a doctor - human rationality.

Expert of…

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Getting rid of tartar at home

Reading time ~ 7 min Number of readings: 117407

Tartar forms when soft bacterial plaque settling on the teeth and interdental spaces hardens. Usually, hard deposits occur on units less involved in chewing. The main reason for the formation of stone on the teeth is insufficient hygiene, the use of poor-quality brushes, pastes.

Externally, it is a dense dark deposits on the enamel, more pronounced on the chewing surfaces, in the interdental spaces, on the inner surface of the teeth. Subgingival calculus is formed in the root area of the tooth, under the gums. It can only be detected by a doctor. How to get rid of tartar is to visit a dental hygienist every 6 months for a professional cleaning.

In the network of RUTT clinics in Moscow, professional cleaning is performed by experienced hygienists who use materials, compositions, and technologies that are safe for enamel. Doctors de…

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Numb jaw: causes and treatment methods

Decreased sensation and numbness (paresthesia) of the jaw are associated with impaired function of the trigeminal nerve due to inflammation or damage. Patients may experience minor discomfort or severe difficulties with speech and chewing. More often, patients complain of numbness of the lower jaw, although similar symptoms occur in the upper jaw.

To understand why the jaw goes numb, a comprehensive examination will help. The causes of such a condition are different - from a side effect after dental treatment, to a serious neurological disease. Paresthesia usually extends to part of the tongue, lips, chin, gum, accompanied by pain, burning, discomfort.

If numbness occurred after dental intervention, you should contact the doctor who performed the procedure to prescribe the correct therapy. With a minor nerve injury, paresthesia passes on its own, but with prolonged numbness, serious damage will require long-term treatment.

Causes of numbn…
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Denture relining: correction methods

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 30413

The basis of comfortable use of removable orthopedic systems - a secure fit to the jaw. But gradually the fixation of the structure weakens, functionality decreases, there is discomfort when eating, talking. Rebasing of the prosthesis (partial, full) - involves the elimination of inaccuracies, prevention of damage to the base of the structure, restoration of accurate contact with the gums, supporting dental units. Depending on the clinical case, such a procedure is carried out in the office of a dentist or in the laboratory.

When relocation of the prosthesis is necessary

After fixation of the new prosthetic system, after the first 1-3 months of wear, relining of the denture is necessary to correct the accuracy of its fit to the mucosa. Since the teeth have been missing for some time, the jaw joint has reorganized. After the prosthetic structure is install…

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