Alfa bio implants (Israel)

Each company has its own approach to the design and production of implants. The Israeli company Alfa-bio Tec has focused on simplicity and ergonomics. As a result, Alfa-bio implants have become one of the most popular in the business segment. For more than 25 years they have been used in the USA, Canada and European countries. In recent years, Alpha Bio implantation has become popular in Russia.

Company philosophy

Implantation should be affordable and ergonomic - this is the motto of the brand. Alfabio implant system is suitable for all clinical cases. High-quality, reliable, user-friendly technology is the company's goal. This is achieved by a number of factors, one of which is the minimal number of components. One universal surgical kit is suitable for any procedure. At the same time, it contains everything from a basic set of instruments to advanced products for complex cases. This makes training much easier and reduces the cost of the work.

Alfa Bio…
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Astra Tech Dental Implants (Astra Tech)

It's a story about collaboration. You know, there are times when two companies do good work. Good, but not outstanding. The products of Dentsply and Sirona would still be known in a narrow segment of the dental materials market if not for the merger. When the two solid middles joined forces, a real breakthrough was achieved. Investments in research and technological development increased dramatically. The result was new materials and innovative products. Astra Tech implants are one of such achievements.

During their development, special attention was paid to the interaction between the artificial root and the patient's body. Dentsply/Sirona have developed a unique system for restoring teeth that relies on the healing powers of the body itself.

Scientific research confirms that Swedish Astra Tech implants provide reliable results in the long term.

What's innovative

The developers of the Astra Tech Implant System have focused on finding …

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Straumann Dental Implants (Straumann)

When a small Swiss company produced its first implants back in 1974, no one could have imagined that this was the first step towards world leadership in implantology and restorative dentistry. Today, Straumann Swiss implants are renowned all over the world. They are favored by implantologists from all continents, because the products of this brand combine high quality, scientific approach and a full set of accompanying materials. Straumann implants do not just bring back a smile - they bring back self-confidence.

All of the company's products are based on scientific developments. Therefore, the company has many technological breakthroughs in the field of restoration and implantation of teeth.

Straumann implant models

Straumann in Switzerland is continuously working on the expansion of the model range to meet the individual needs of patients. In collaboration with the International Team for Implantology (ITI), new implant models and technologies a…

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Osstem implants from South Korea: system features

In 1997, the first Osstem implants were produced in South Korea. After 20 years, Osstem implants became the largest manufacturer of dental materials in Asia and took the 5th place in the world implant market. Products of this brand are not inferior to the best European implants in terms of quality, and in terms of prices belong to the business segment. In Korea, Osstem implant is the most popular brand.

The demand for implants is growing in all countries. This is due to rising incomes, an aging population, and a growing interest in health. More and more people want to improve their quality of life. Implantation can be the answer to these demands.

Osstem implants have received certificates from South Korea, USA, Europe, recognizing them as a world-class product.

Osstem representative office in Russia was opened in 2006. Since then thousands of people have had a chance to experience the quality of these implant systems in practice.…

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Israeli dental implants: prices and features

Israel pays great attention to the development of health care in general and dentistry in particular. Israeli dental implants, related products, surgical kits are used in all developed countries. To achieve this success, Israeli companies invest in scientific and technological developments, constantly improving the production of implants in Israel.

Types of Israeli implants

In Russia, Israeli implants Alpha bio, MIS, Adin, Noris are in demand. The products of each brand have their own features.

MIS implants

The mission of this brand is to make implants installation easier and more affordable. There are 4 models in the MIS product line. Two of them, C-1 b V-3, are tapered, and MIS Seven and M-4 are hexagonal.

The company regularly publishes research results that confirm the primary stability and high biological integration of dental implants from Israel.


The company invests a lot in the design of their i…

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Korean dental implants: features of brands and cost

Over 20 years in the dental market, Korean companies have gained a reputation as reliable manufacturers. Korean dental implants have received international certificates of conformity. They are used in 80 countries around the world.

The most famous brands are Osstem, Dentium, DIO, NeoBiotech.


The company released its first products in 2000, and now it is in the top 20 in the production of implants. Dentium invests a lot in research and development. This is yielding results. The company uses technological advances to produce implants with a success rate of 98%. Thanks to Dentium's developments, Korean-made implants successfully compete in the global market.

Features SLA coating. The surface of the product is subjected to double processing. First, it is made rough by treating it with aluminum oxide, and then it is etched with acid, creating micro membranes. This surface has hydrophilic properties and attracts blood proteins. Its surfa…
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Kontraindikationer for sinusliftkirurgi

Læsetid ~ 3 min Antal aflæsninger: 2539

Kirurgen kan nægte patienten sinusløft, hvis han har helbredsproblemer. Konventionelt inddeles kontraindikationer for kirurgi i to grupper: absolutte og relative.

Absolutte kontraindikationer

Disse omfatter tilstande, der gør det vanskeligt at udføre kirurgiske indgreb, eller som gentagne gange reducerer chancerne for implantatindvækst. Kirurgi er ikke mulig i:

psykiske lidelser, alvorlig hjertesygdom, kræft, tuberkulose, blodkoagulationsforstyrrelser, autoimmune sygdomme (lupus erythematosus, reumatoid arthritis, multipel sklerose), graviditet. Relative kontraindikationer

De kan nemt elimineres eller korrigeres, når implantatet indsættes. Beslutningen om at operere træffes af kirurgen efter en grundig diagnose af patienten og konsultation med speciallæger.

Relative kontraindikationer omfatter:

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Anbefalinger efter sinusløft

Læsetid ~ 4 min Antal aflæsninger: 14015

Restitutionstiden efter en sinusløftning afhænger af den kirurgiske teknik, patientens helbredstilstand og overholdelse af kirurgens anbefalinger. De fleste patienter er fuldt restituerede i løbet af 5-7 dage. På den 7.-10. dag inviterer lægen til en kontrolundersøgelse for at vurdere vævsheling og fjerne suturer.

Hvilke fornemmelser generer mig efter operationen?

Før indgrebet vil kirurgen fortælle dig, hvordan rehabiliteringsperioden vil være. De første 2-3 dage er patienterne generet af hævelse og smerter på den side af ansigtet, hvor tandkødet blev åbnet.


De mest alvorlige er i de første 3-6 timer efter sinusløft. For at håndtere det vil kirurgen ordinere smertestillende håndkøbsmedicin (normalt ibuprofen). Tag det smertestillende middel hver 3.-4. time, men ikke mere end 5 gange om dagen.

Hvis operationen blev udført på tom mave (under generel anæ...

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Fluorosis: methods of treatment, diagnosis and causes of occurrence

Fluorosis is a chronic pathology of tooth enamel that occurs due to an increased concentration of fluoride in the body. It is manifested by the formation of spots, defects of different size, color, and shape on the enamel. The disease is epidemic in nature. Dental fluorosis is characteristic of areas with excessive fluoride content in drinking water. Also, workers of some industrial enterprises (plants for the production of aluminum, laser equipment, etc.) are susceptible to the disease, due to the increased content of fluoride compounds in the air.

Causes of fluorosis

Fluoride is an element that enters the body with water, vitamin supplements, foods, air. It takes part in the formation of dental and bone tissue, strengthens enamel, prevents the leaching of calcium from the body. However, if the lack of fluoride increases the risk of carious destruction of teeth, the excess leads to the development of dental enamel fluorosis.

The permissible level o…
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Aesthetic dentistry

Reading time ~ 2 min Number of readings: 3792

Not all patients go to the dentist because of a toothache, many are not satisfied with the appearance of the teeth, which negatively affects the appearance. The problem requires correction. The section of dental medicine includes procedures that provide teeth with a look.

Indications for a patient to seek aesthetic dentistry

Not all patients go to the dentist because of a toothache, many are not satisfied with the appearance of the teeth, which negatively affects the overall attractiveness, and therefore the problem requires a radical correction. The section of dental medicine includes procedures that provide the appearance of teeth:

color, symmetry, positioning. Patients often come to us with the following problems:Poorly light or uneven tooth color. Congenital defects - diastemas. Acquired defects - chips, cracks. Bite abnormali…
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