Implantation is a surgery to replace a natural tooth with an artificial tooth. A metal post, the implant, is screwed into the gum, replacing the removed root. Then a crown is placed on it.

Implantation allows you to save neighboring teeth, because they do not have to be depulped and ground, as in the case of a bridge. The artificial jaw is perfectly supported on the implants. It can even be made irremovable. But implants also provide stable support for a removable jaw.

Implantation has few disadvantages. Contraindications for health reasons, the duration of the two-stage protocol and, most importantly, the price. Therefore, many patients are concerned with the question: “where to place inexpensive implants?”. And the concept of “inexpensive” is different for everyone.

What affects the cost of implantation

  • Manufacturer

Traditionally, the most expensive implants are made by the pioneers in this field – European brands. Nobel Biocare, Straumann, Astra Tech are the most expensive. The Swiss company Trate AG produces products of the same quality, but its prices are lower. Alfa Bio, Dentium, Osstem belong to the middle segment. DIO, Neo biotech are budget options. The cheapest products come from China, but there are so many fakes there that it is very risky to put such pins.


Popular brands of implants

Famous brands invest a lot of money in advertising, so the expression “Famous means good” is not always true. Many manufacturers invest not in advertising, but in scientific development, new research.

  • Number of artificial teeth

A single tooth, several teeth in a row or scattered, a whole row of teeth – in each case, the amount of work and the cost of materials will be different. The more teeth, the higher the final price. However, the cost of each individual tooth is lower than for a single implant.

  • Bone volume

When we lose a tooth, the load on the gum in this area is reduced and the bone tissue decreases in volume. The more time that passes from the day of extraction, the less bone is left. In case of large losses, there is simply nowhere to insert the implant. This problem is especially common in the upper jaw. The tissue there is already loose, and without a tooth, it thins quickly. In such cases, before implantation, the bone tissue is augmented. For this purpose, natural or artificial bone material is used. A sinus elevator, as this upper jaw surgery is called, increases the final cost of implantation.

The Swiss company Trate AG has developed the ROOTT line of basal and compression implants. They are placed in the deep layers (basal) of the bone, avoiding bone grafting in 90% of cases.

  • Implantation method

How implants can be placed qualitatively and inexpensively depends on the method. There is a one-stage and two-stage protocol of implant placement. In the first case, the post and adaptive crown are installed at once. In this case, the smile looks natural, but the load on the tooth is incomplete. After some time (after the implant has fully engrafted), the adaptation crowns are replaced with permanent crowns.


In the second case, several months pass between the installation of the post and prosthetics. During this time, the implant takes root, grows bone tissue, becomes stable. An abutment (adapter) is placed on it and a crown is made on the basis of an individual impression.

steps of ROOTT single tooth implantation

One-stage implantation is more expensive, but it saves time, and for out-of-town patients it saves money.

Alas, not all of us can boast the absence of problems in the mouth. Inflammation, tartar, plaque, tooth decay – these are infectious foci that need to be removed before surgery. This is where preventive visits to the dentist 2 times a year are justified. If the oral cavity is in order, implantation can be performed immediately. Saving both money and time.

  • Professionalism of doctors

Implantology is a field of medicine that is developing very quickly. To keep up to date with the latest techniques, methods, materials and treatment regimens, the implantologist must continually learn. Courses, webinars, symposia and conferences help to keep up to date. In addition, implantologists are trained to work with a specific brand of implants. 90% of the success of the operation depends on the skill of the surgeon. The work of a highly skilled surgeon is more expensive, but the risks of complications are much lower.

X-rays and CT scans are the foundation of the treatment plan and the ultimate success of implantation. Diagnostic examination allows the doctor to familiarize himself with the anatomical structure of the jaw, determine the volume of bone tissue, and identify associated diseases. More information means a better chance of a satisfactory outcome.


Computed Tomography (CT).

An unobvious factor is the location of the clinic. Facilities near the subway are more expensive, but how convenient for patients! The availability of parking also matters. Spending time looking for a building located unknown where a modern person can not afford.

Turnkey implantation

Implantation of teeth inexpensively and qualitatively – this is what we all strive for. Therefore, when advertising offers us a turnkey procedure, the temptation is great to immediately agree. You should not do this until you are told exactly what is included in the service.

In highly rated dentists, turnkey implantation includes:

  • consultation with an implantologist and prosthodontist;
  • diagnostic procedures;
  • computerized tomography;
  • 3D planning;
  • the implant itself with the necessary substructure;
  • gingiva shaper;
  • abutment;
  • the doctor’s work;
  • post-operative check-ups;
  • post-operative diagnostics;
  • warranty.

If an immediate loading protocol is used, this also includes an adaptive crown. With the transgingival method, when the implant is placed immediately after tooth extraction, the extraction procedure is also included.

That is why turnkey implantation for 10,000-15,000 rubles is questionable. There is a high probability that we are only talking about the installation of an implant.


Implantation is not the only method of tooth reconstruction. Bridges and dentures are still in demand.

Bridge and denture

A bridge is a construction of 2 crowns with 1 or 2 artificial teeth between them. There are almost no contraindications, the production time is short, the cost is low.

The disadvantages include the need for grinding and depulping (root removal) of teeth under the crowns, a fairly short service life.


Differences between a dental bridge and an implant

Removable prostheses

If all teeth are missing (adentia), removable dentures are used. The materials are varied:

  • Polyuritanium
  • Acrylic
  • Nylon
  • Acry Free is a new hypoallergenic material.

acrylic denture before and after photo

Fitting a removable acrylic denture

Dentures are lightweight, durable and easy to care for. They are relatively inexpensive. Unfortunately, it takes a long time to get used to them, they often cause discomfort, rub the mucosa. Removable dentures are often lost.

Partial removable structures

Clip-on and plate prostheses are used when part of the teeth are preserved. Essentially, a metal arch with teeth welded onto it. For fixation on the remaining teeth, special terminals are used. The benefits are more aesthetic, because the main load is on healthy teeth. Bone atrophy increases.

Healthy teeth deteriorate faster due to the additional load.

Removable prosthesis Implant bridge Bridge on crowns
Material Artificial polymers Metal-ceramic (for example) Metal-ceramic (for example)
Price 40,000 – 120,000p (40,000 – 75,000p prosthesis, plus removal and treatment of inflammation if necessary) 130,000p “turnkey”. All manipulations, diagnostics, post-operative control are included. 100,000 – 120,000p (25,000p*3 plus depulpation 15,000p*2)
Service life Up to 5 years Up to 25 years Up to 7 years

*All prices are approximate and vary from clinic to clinic

Of course, everything depends on the individual case and the required treatment. However, it should be remembered that dental bridges will have to be replaced every 5-7, maximum 10 years. This is provided that the teeth under the crowns remain intact. Implant-supported bridges will last at least 25 years. The implant itself creates a strong foundation and prevents bone loss.

In the long run, dental implants are inexpensive and high quality. The financial policy of the dental center will help to reduce the immediate costs.

Where to place a tooth implant inexpensively

The main thing in implantation is not the price, but the guarantee of success. Therefore, “inexpensive” should still meet the basic criteria to ensure a positive outcome.

  • Qualification of the doctorAn experienced implantologist will perform the operation with minimal risks and a positive long-term prognosis.
  • Clinic equipmentAccurate diagnosis is an important component of successful implantation. It determines the choice of method, type of implant, and method of installation.
  • Availability of documents confirming the originality and quality of products
  • Guarantees for products and work
  • Reviews, those who have already undergone treatment in a particular clinic.

How to find the “golden mean”

Implantation is a planned procedure. So, there is time to find a place where it is cheapest to put dental implants in Moscow without losing quality.

  1. Not all European implants belong to the premium class. For example, the products of the Swiss company Trate AG are not inferior to exclusive brands in terms of quality, and in terms of cost belong to the middle segment.
  2. Dental center, equipped with the latest technology, will not offer dumping prices, but will regularly hold discount campaigns. You just need to monitor the sites. Better yet, stop at 1-2 and keep an eye on the promotions. ICDI ROOTT offers promotional prices several times a year.
  3. You can reduce the financial burden by using an installment plan. In the innovative center of implantation technologies ROOTT it can be arranged right on the spot.
  4. You can get back 13% of the cost of the operation by means of a tax deduction. In the same ROOTT ICDI you will get all the necessary documents.

Using these methods, you can get Swiss quality implants in a high-class clinic with experienced doctors for quite reasonable money.

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