Gingival smile – correction options

A gummy smile is a physiological feature in which the upper gingiva is excessively exposed. In a normal smile, 1-2 mm of gingiva is visible, if it is more, such a smile is called gingival smile or "gummy smile". This exposure of the mucosa is not considered a pathology, does not affect diction, chewing function and does not affect the health of the teeth.

However, studies claim that excessive exposure of the mucosa leads to lower self-esteem and psychological changes. in 25% of cases [1].


The gingiva is overexposed, mainly due to the structure of themaxilla (maxilla). Its overdevelopment leads to the fact that even a normal upper lip appears short and is unable to cover the mucosa fully.

Another cause is excessive lifting of the upper lip. If the circular muscles of the mouth are too strong (the medical term is "overactive"), the lip rises higher than normal. The teeth and gums may be normal in size, but the lip is just p…

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Periodontal disease: causes, symptoms and treatment

Periodontal disease is a dystrophic lesion of the tissues surrounding the tooth and holding it in the alveolus (dental cavity). It is accompanied by atrophy of certain areas of the periodontium, sclerotic changes in bone tissues, reduction of bone mass, gingival recession, exposure of tooth necks and increased sensitivity. As the disease progresses, the height of the alveolar process decreases, the gingival joints are completely destroyed, the bone walls of the tooth cells resorb, leading to tooth loss.

The disease is characterized by a slow course, clinical signs are manifested with significant destructive changes in the periodontium. Diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical picture, the results of X-ray examination. Only a dentist can notice the beginning of pathological changes in periodontal tissues. If the patient sees the symptoms of periodontal disease, then the disease has been going on for many years.


Detect the symptoms o…

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Tetracycline teeth: diagnosis and treatment methods

Tetracycline teeth - a type of systemic enamel hypoplasia, resulting from the intake of antibiotics of the tetracycline group, when teeth, their rudiments are formed, mineralization of dental, bone tissues is underway. It is characterized by a pronounced change in the color of enamel, its structural disorder. Coloration is subjected to the cutting edges of incisors, the chewing surface of molars. The color of tetracycline teeth can vary from bright yellow to blue-brown, the severity of the shade depends on the drug, its dose, duration of intake. Not only the surface enamel layer is stained, but also deeper tissues, which causes difficulties in restoring natural whiteness.

Symptoms Persistent irreversible discoloration; pigmentation of gray, yellow, brown, brown shade; the entire crown or a single section is stained; thinning of enamel, cracks, chips; sensitivity to hot, cold; tetracycline staining of teeth is uneven, looks like transverse stripes on …
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Periodontitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Periodontitis is a periodontal disease of inflammatory nature that leads to destruction of the gingival junction and tooth loss without appropriate treatment. It begins with inflammation of the gingiva, occurring as chronic gingivitis. Later on, the pathological process affects deeper tissues, leading to the destruction of the periodontium, the dental alveolus (cavity), the adjacent jawbone.

The tooth and periodontium is a single functionally and morphologically related system. Damage to its individual elements violates the functionality of the dental unit, leads to a violation of gingival attachment, the formation of deep gingival pockets, the formation of abscesses, fistulas on the gingiva, loosening, loss of teeth.

Symptoms Gingival inflammation; hyperemia (redness) of the mucosa, swelling, reaction to temperature stimuli; gingival soreness; discomfort, bleeding gums when chewing, oral hygiene; gingival detachment from the toot…
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How to do gum massage properly?

Gum massage is beneficial for everyone. It improves blood circulation, lymph flow, tissue metabolism, oxygenates tissues. Regular procedures increase the thickness of the epithelium, which protects the gums from the penetration of bacteria. However, there are diseases in which gum massage is a mandatory component of complex therapy. These are periodontal diseases: tissues and ligamentous apparatus that hold the tooth in the gum. This is gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease. All of them are characterized by bleeding gums.

Gums bleed due to excessive bacterial growth in the oral cavity. Most often this indicates poor hygiene, but there are cases when bleeding provokes improper dentures, smoking, internal diseases.

Gum massage is carried out in medical institutions as a physiotherapeutic procedure and at home as a supportive therapy.

Types of massage

Before you start a course of massage, you need to sanitize the mouth. Ot…

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The dental term for inflammation of the gums that does not affect the ligaments and does not destroy the bone is gingivitis. Treatment of the disease is not difficult, but if it is neglected, the inflammation will move to the ligamentous apparatus and begin to destroy the bone. This is already periodontitis - the main complication of gingivitis. Therefore, it is important to know the signs and symptoms of the disease in order to take measures in time and prevent complications.

Causes of the disease

The inflammatory process in the gums provokes bacteria. After each meal, the enamel is covered with a microfilm - pellicle. Unlike smooth enamel, pellicle is porous. Bacteria begin to settle on the film. Some of them are washed off with saliva and brushed off with a toothbrush. But it is impossible to completely remove plaque with a toothbrush. Calcium and a number of other substances from saliva penetrate the plaque and mineralize it. More and more bacteria settle on …

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How to brush your teeth properly

Dentists never tire of emphasizing how important it is to brush your teeth properly and do it regularly. In the oral cavity of every person lives a huge number of bacteria. The most active fluid in the body, saliva, neutralizes their action, but it is not able to destroy the bio-threat on its own. Brushing comes to the rescue.

We brush our teeth to remove from the enamel its main enemy - a biofilm of bacteria (plaque). Biofilm settles on your teeth after every meal. Sticky food fragments, mainly carbohydrates and sugar, help it do this. Layer by layer, the bacteria build up on the surface, producing acids.

Gradually, these acids eat away at the enamel and penetrate the tooth. This is how tooth decay, the most common dental disease, occurs.

If plaque is not removed, it builds up, hardens and becomes tartar. Then it gets under the gum, causing inflammation of the tissue around the tooth. This is periodontitis, the second most common oral disease. Přečtěte si více

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Tooth abscess

The gum is red, swollen, painful - these are classic signs of a tooth abscess, an inflammatory process in which pus is formed. Accumulating in the cavity, as in a pouch, pus causes swelling of the gum. In the people it is called flus.

Purulent inflammation can lead to serious consequences, so self-treatment, if the gum is swollen, you can not. Dentistry will determine the cause of the abscess and carry out specific treatment.

Purulent abscess of the tooth - causes of occurrence

With weakened immunity, as a result of trauma or infectious diseases of the teeth, pathogens penetrate into the tissues surrounding the tooth (periodontium). In response, the body produces special cells, neutrophils. They neutralize pathogens, but die themselves. Pus is the remains of dead cells, destroyed proteins of bacteria and neutrophils.

In dentistry, 3 types of abscess are distinguished, depending on the cause of occurrence:

PeriapicalA pus pouch forms at the apex…
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Darkened teeth

April 15, 2022 Reading time ~ 7 min Number of reads : 34210

Tooth discoloration (discoloritis) changes the color of your teeth from relative white to pink, yellow, brown, or black. This is precisely the case when variety is not pleasing. Changing color can lead to psychological trauma, lower self-esteem, and the development of depression. In addition, discoloritis can be a symptom of a disease. Dentists define pigmentation as a pathological process and develop all new methods of its treatment.

Before proceeding to intervention, it is important to identify the cause of discoloritis. Without its elimination, all measures will have only temporary success.

Causes, classification and stages of development of tooth pigmentation

All cases of discoloritis can be divided into 2 large groups: endogenous (congenital) and exogenous (acquired). In the first case, the color of the teeth is predetermined before they erup…

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Saving hopeless teeth, treating difficult teeth

May 16, 2024 Reading time ~ 4 min Number of reads: 1021

Treatment of difficult teeth

Zubní onemocnění v prvních fázích se snadno léčí. Někdy však lidé otálejí s návštěvou lékaře, zanedbávají onemocnění nebo dostávají nekvalitní léčbu. Zanedbané případy se obtížně léčí a nezkušení lékaři navrhují extrakci zubu. S extrakcí nespěchejte, dnešní stomatologie nabízí technologie, které zajišťují účinné ošetření složitých zubů.

Jaké podmínky umožňují, aby byl zub považován za obtížný?

Pokud člověk pociťuje bolest a nepříjemné pocity v ústech, je nutné okamžité ošetření zubů. Zvažte složité případy, které vyžadují podrobnější přístup:

Cysta kořene zubu. Může vést ke zničení kořene zubu a okolních tkání. Pokud není léčba provedena včas, může dojít ke ztrátě zubu. Zubní kazy. Onemocnění charakterizované destrukcí zubů, které se projevuje tím, že se v nich objevuje...
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