Free prosthetics for pensioners: how to get benefits and compensation

Even if you have always had healthy and strong teeth, over time irreversible processes begin to occur in the body. In old age, 70% of people need to have their teeth restored. The absence of teeth is unpleasant not only from the aesthetic side. Their poor condition or absence negatively affects the state of health, violate the usual diet, affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Unfortunately, dental services are a costly procedure. The size of the pension does not allow the elderly to pay for expensive dental treatment. Not all seniors are familiar with the possibilities of modern dentistry and the benefits of dentures for seniors that they can get. Let's understand in order where to start, where to turn, what benefits can be used, how to choose the right clinic and what options for restoring teeth exist at the moment.

Where to start treatment

Dental prosthetics for pensioners has a number of peculiarities. At an advanced age, it is a complex and d…

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Tax deduction for dentures

People think about their health and have their teeth treated at the dentist. One light filling costs a lot, and if the treatment is long or complicated, a lot of money is spent. Therefore, you want to find a way to save money. Discounts and promotions that are organized by dental clinics help. But not all patients know that it is possible to return part of the expenses as a tax deduction.

If you work and pay 13% tax to the state, then part of the money spent in the clinic is returned. On the same principle as the costs of buying an apartment and education.

Such compensation is called a tax deduction for treatment, is part of the group of social and is regulated by subparagraph 3 of paragraph 1 of Article 219 of the Russian Tax Code.

How do I get a tax deduction for dentures and other dental services?

Treatment expenses: types and amount

You can get money not for all treatment, but only for those listed in the med…

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Vitamins for teeth and gums

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 130047

A beautiful smile is one of the main components of an attractive appearance and non-verbal language of communication. To be able to attract people with an attractive smile, you need to have beautiful and healthy teeth. They can be kept that way by a balance of nutrients in the body. What vitamins for teeth and gums should be consumed and where to get them, we will consider in detail in this article.

Vitamins are organic compounds involved in the vital functions of the body. They are indispensable for maintaining health and the proper functioning of life-supporting processes in general. Vitamins come from the environment, or are synthesized in the body independently.

Vitamin deficiency

Lack of vitamins in the body leads to dysfunction of various organs and processes. This greatly affects the quality of life and appearance of a person. As for …

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Where to treat teeth inexpensively and qualitatively?

Caries, inflamed gums, purulent discharge in the mouth - you want to solve any dental problem in a place where your teeth will be treated inexpensively and qualitatively. Treatment centers entice with low prices. It seems like you want to save money, but you are afraid to make a mistake. How to choose a clinic and not to get caught on the money?

We have compiled a check-list, which will help to check the dentistry before you start treatment

1. Transparent, definitive prices

Wanting to save money, it's easy to fall into the trap of low rates. Unscrupulous treatment facilities lure customers in by promising to make everything cheaper than it is, and when it comes time to pay up - the fees are an order of magnitude higher. Because:

the ruble has fallen, and consumables imported, so the price has increased; had to make an additional shot (or any other service); consumption of materials turned out to be more than expec…
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Causes and symptoms of dental disease

October 18, 2023 Reading time ~ 4 min Number of reads: 1707

Dental diseases are a group of pathologies affecting the enamel and internal structure of the dental unit, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, gums, chewing muscles and bones of the jaw.

Most dental diseases are infectious in nature and develop one after another in the absence of necessary treatment. Despite the opinion that such pathologies are considered not dangerous for people because of the risk of developing serious consequences for the body, this is not true. Consequences with improper treatment or lack thereof, can be very serious, up to lethal outcome.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so it is important to have an idea of the causes and symptoms of dental diseases in order to identify them in time and avoid complications.

Causes of dental disease in humans

Diseases of the teeth and gums can appear both due to the…

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Why shouldn’t you put off going to the dentist?

November 15, 2023 Reading time ~ 3 min Number of reads: 1354

We should not put off visiting the dentist because teeth are a very important organ of our body. If we don't keep an eye on their health, we can face many problems. And this is not only directly related to the dento-mandibular system, but also to the work of some organs of the body, as well as to our psychological state.

Why should not delay a visit to the dentist?

If you do not treat your teeth now, it will cost much more in the future. So, by addressing the problem today, you save money in the long run.

A simple example. Untreated caries turns into pulpitis, the price for endodontic manipulations is higher. Missed this stage - the peri-dental tissues are affected, up to catastrophic destruction of the crown, infection of the root, loosening of the unit and, as a consequence, extraction.

To delay dental treatment is to increase the ris…

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