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In the fight against coronavirus, the body loses its defenses, which leads to an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases. Pathologic processes in the teeth or peri-dental tissues are no exception. The fact that the coronavirus causes toothache, periodontal disease, root cysts and granulomas, is a consequence of reduced immunity.

The president of the Angiogenesis Foundation, Cambridge, Massachusetts (an organization that studies angiogenesis) noted in an interview that SARS-CoV-2 binds to the ACE2 protein receptor, making it even more infectious. It affects not only lung tissue, but also nerve fibers, endothelium because of which the blood vessels of the gums suffer. Researchers from McGill University (Canada) say the same thing. [1]

Russian medics have confirmed that Covid-19 leads to complications of periodontal disease, even becomes the cause of tooth loss. A patient may encounter such a problem both during the course of the disease and after recovery. [2] Also, acute toothache with coronavirus may not be related to it in any way, but due to dental caries and its complications. The cause of the pain will be determined by a dentist after examination and diagnosis.

How coronavirus affects oral health

Scientists and dentists around the world have concluded that coronavirus affects the teeth as devastatingly as it does the circulatory system. Disruption of blood circulation leads to jaw structures not receiving enough nutrients – dental tissues begin to deteriorate, gums become inflamed and bleed. [3] We should not forget that in the treatment of Sovid-19 prescribe large-scale antibiotic therapy, various antiviral drugs. This explains why the teeth hurt after covid-19. Taking antibiotics can provoke candidiasis (fungal lesions) of the oral cavity. This will further worsen the condition of periodontal tissues (especially if the patient already has periodontal disease), which is fraught with loosening and loss of dental units.

Can coronavirus cause toothache?

Another reason that after the coronavirus the teeth became ill is the inability to perform a quality oral hygiene if the patient was on IVF. This leads to the accumulation of a huge amount of bacteria, toxins on the surface of the enamel, gums. The products of pathogenic microorganisms trigger the inflammatory process, periodontal pockets are formed, gums hurt, teeth become mobile, bone tissue is destroyed.

Do teeth hurt with coronavirus

Dental problems don’t go away just because the Sovid-19 is rampant in the world. Toothache can affect either 1 unit or the entire jaw. The pain can irradiate to the temple, ear, eye socket, provoke a migraine. At the same time, the catalyst for such sensations is not necessarily a coronavirus.

However, SARS-CoV-2 cannot be ruled out as a cause of toothache. The gateway for the coronavirus is the mucous membranes of the mouth, nasopharynx, eyes, and respiratory tract. The virus attacks mucosal cells, disrupts microcirculation in blood and lymphatic vessels, and in the presence of inflammation immediately penetrates into the blood. This triggers an active immune response in the body, which explains the high rate of complications of covidas in patients with periodontal disease. [4]

What to do if your teeth hurt with coronavirus

When dental problems arise, they should be addressed immediately without waiting for external circumstances to change. If a tooth hurts badly with coronavirus, its crown part has collapsed, you need to go to the dentist. During a pandemic, the clinic will use all necessary measures to protect the patient and doctors from transmission:

  • daily screening for symptoms of acute respiratory infections;
  • Coronavirus testing every 10 days;
  • compulsory wearing of protective masks, gloves, goggles;
  • regular disinfection of rooms, surfaces, door handles;
  • use of germicidal lamps in offices and waiting areas.

Wearing masks for all patients is mandatory (Moscow Mayor’s Decree No. 92-UM of 25.09.2020). If the patient refuses to wear a mask or measure the temperature, the appointment will be canceled.

What can be done independently

Temporarily eliminate the pain syndrome will help analgesics – Ibuprofen, Dexalgin, Ibuprom, Imet, Ketanov, Nurofen, Orthofen, etc. Take pills strictly according to the instructions. Reduce inflammation will help to gargle with herbal decoctions (sage, chamomile, oak bark, sage root, calendula), soda solution (1 tsp. l of soda per glass of warm water) every 2-3 hours.

remedies for pain after caries treatment

Prevent pain in the teeth after coronavirus will help regular quality oral hygiene, timely treatment of dental diseases. Faster recovery from the disease, strengthen the immune system will help:

  • antioxidant vitamins A, B, C, E;
  • vitamin D;
  • foods rich in protein, fiber;
  • decoctions, infusions of rose hips, echinacea, ginseng root and other medicinal herbs rich in vitamins, minerals.

Do not forget about physical activity, health walking. If after coronavirus, teeth ache far from always, then shortness of breath occurs quite often. In this case, the patient is recommended to monitor the breathing technique, walk more often in the fresh air, perform strengthening exercises, gradually increasing the load on the respiratory system.

You can read about coronavirus vaccination and dental treatment in our article, as well as watch a video interview with our doctor Nesterenko Alexei Pavlovich:






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