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You’ve taken a step toward beautiful, straight teeth – you’ve had a braces system put in. Proper post-installation braces care is now a must. Otherwise, having finished a long orthodontic treatment, after removing braces, you may notice white spots on the enamel or traces of progressive decay. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the teeth constantly, and during the wearing of the structure even more carefully. And after a few years, associated with minor inconveniences, restrictions in eating, you will get not only a corrected bite, but also healthy teeth.

Brushing before braces

Care for teeth with braces begins even before their installation. Oral sanitation and professional cleaning are performed. Hard tartar is removed using ultrasound, and soft plaque is removed using a pressurized jet with a special cleaning solution (AirFlow method). The surface is polished and coated with a strengthening fluoride paste. Such hygiene should be carried out a few days before fixation of the bracket system.

Airflow cleaning

If this is not done, it is easy to imagine how new plaque will join the existing plaque under the locks. This is an ideal place for bacteria to multiply and, as a consequence, the development of caries. It is worth considering that the wearing of orthodontic construction lasts 1-2 years and it will not be possible to remove the locks in the process for the treatment of arising diseases.

How to clean braces. Rules of daily care

The bracket system is quite complex. Because of the multi-component (locks, rings, ligatures, etc.) to clean teeth with braces effectively should still try. But, don’t worry, over time, even that won’t be a problem for you. And a good brushing habit will serve you well for the final result of your treatment.

bracket design

The correct way to clean braces can be taught by a dentist on a model of the jaw with a bracket system, you can watch a video on the Internet or read our recommendations:

  1. The outer surface of the teeth with locks is cleaned with special toothbrushes. Alternately, horizontal movements are made, then vertical, from the gum to the incisal edge of the tooth;
  2. For the inside, mono-bead brushes are well suited;
  3. Brush and superfloss (floss) between the teeth, the teeth and the arch;
  4. Use an irrigator. It will thoroughly clean all the crevices from food debris that could not be extracted in the previous steps;
  5. The rinse will complete the care of teeth with braces.

Most likely, the orthodontist will give a memo “Rules of care of the bracket system”, but it is not superfluous to remind about them:

  • Brush teeth with braces at least twice a day: morning and evening;
  • rinse the oral cavity after each meal;
  • thoroughly clean the interdental space with floss, brush and each segment, element of the system;
  • it is better to choose a toothpaste containing fluoride (as well as a rinse);
  • buy braces care products in advance: brushes, V-brushes, superflosses, look into buying an irrigator;
  • have dental floss or a special pocket set for braces, in case you have to eat outside the house, for the necessary hygiene.

To the question that often arises: can you brush your braces with an electric brush, the answer is no. The rotating head can get caught on the metal arch or other element and move it from its installed place. That’s why you need to care for teeth with braces the right way, with products designed for that purpose.

What are the means for the care of braces

So what should a patient purchase to properly care for braces after installation:

  • A brush for cleaning teeth with braces. This has a shorter row of lint in the center. For this, it is sometimes called a V-shaped brush. The location of the locks and arch is in the center of the brush, which ensures that plaque is cleaned gently without putting pressure on the system. This is why you can’t use regular brushes with rubber inserts for hard cleaning;
  • themono-button brush comes in handy for thorough hygiene of hard-to-reach places and for locks;
  • brushes can easily clean the gap between the arch and the tooth. The period of their use should not exceed 1.5 weeks, and it is better to change brushes every week;
  • floss for braces is canvas and is calledsuperfloss. The stiff end is easily threaded under the arch and penetrates the most seemingly inaccessible places for cleaning, cleaning also from fibrous food debris;
  • gum pockets cannot be reached by anything other than an irrigator, so its purchase is justified in orthodontic treatment;
  • toothpaste and rinse can be ordinary, but it is better to choose one with increased fluoride content;
  • orthodontic wax will help if the bracket system rubs, gives unpleasant sensations to soft tissues: cheek, lip, tongue. It is glued like plasticine on the lock or other part of the system. The colorlessness of the material makes it invisible in the mouth.

brace care

How to care for braces patient will always prompt the orthodontist. Since the successful result of a long and expensive treatment is the goal of both: the doctor and the patient.

Observance of diet when wearing braces

The rules of care for the bracket system include not only hygiene, cleaning, but also a change in diet. The patient will have to give up a certain list of products, so as not to waste money on orthodontic treatment of the bite, their nerves and time.

What is undesirable to eat when wearing braces:

  • Solid food, so that a piece of the system does not break off: breadcrumbs, rusks, nuts. This also includes apples, hard pears, carrots. You should cut them into small pieces;
  • sticky: taffy, chewing gum, etc.;
  • fibrous food. It tends to get stuck between the brackets and the teeth, it is very difficult to get rid of the remnants of such food, and damage to the structure – easy;
  • it is better to limit sweets, especially if you are not sure that the cleaning of braces is effective.

Is there a difference in the care of metal, ceramic, sapphire system

Some patients are willing to pay more and wear sapphire systems or ceramic systems that are unnoticeable to others. Care for teeth with braces of this plan is the same, but there are some peculiarities:

  • Exclude colorful products: coffee, red wine, strong tea, bright berries. If it is not possible to refuse them, then minimize their use and be sure to rinse your mouth after;
  • stop smoking.

differences between ceramic and sapphire braces

These products and smoking can cause yellowing of the expensive bracket system. And stuck food pieces due to the transparency of the structure will be visible. Therefore, you should rinse after every meal to feel confident in any situation.

Do not forget, polymer braces are quite fragile, their use should be conscious and careful. You can buy special mouth guards if, for example, you are afraid of damaging them during running or other sports activities.

Proper care of braces after installation is one of the important parts of the complex treatment, as well as properly fixed orthodontic construction. The doctor observes the stages of tooth movement after installation. The patients’ task is to maintain a healthy hygiene and follow all the recommendations of the attending doctor.

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