Metal-ceramic crown restoration

June 5, 2023 Reading time ~ 5 min Number of reads: 11853

Metal-ceramic crowns are considered one of the most durable restorations. They consist of 2 layers: a metal base and a ceramic veneer. The metal perfectly withstands even high chewing loads, while the ceramic gives the structure a natural look.

Unfortunately, ceramics are not as strong as dental alloys, and chipping of the top layer in crowns occasionally occurs.


Violation of fabrication technology; Improper (overvalued) occlusion; Change in bite; Strong mechanical impact; Indications for repair

Repair of a chipped crown is only possible if the problem is located in the ceramic layer. In these cases, restoration is possible even with large fragments. But if the metal part is affected, it is impossible to restore the old structure, it can only be replaced.

Therefore, dentists urge to treat dentures with care, their replacem…

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Възстановяване на зъби с лепило

September 4, 2023 Reading time ~ 5 min Number of reads: 5972

Адхезията е специална молекулярна връзка между повърхностите на два различни материала. Именно появата на адхезивните системи в стоматологията направи възможно възстановяването на зъбите с методи, които съчетават ефективност и естетика.

В резултат на използването на лепилни композиции се образува хибриден слой, който благодарение на микромеханичните и химичните връзки осигурява здрава връзка.

Възстановяване на зъби с директно залепване

Dental fillings, build-ups, and artistic restorations are performed using the direct method. This means that the dentist restores the tooth directly in the patient's mouth, without taking impressions.

Показания за директния метод са възстановяванията на:

Cavities; Cavities destroy hard tissue, creatingcavities of varying sizes. They are filled with filling material using adhesion. Non-carious lesions of enamel; Technology…
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Causes and symptoms of dental disease

October 18, 2023 Reading time ~ 4 min Number of reads: 1707

Dental diseases are a group of pathologies affecting the enamel and internal structure of the dental unit, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, gums, chewing muscles and bones of the jaw.

Most dental diseases are infectious in nature and develop one after another in the absence of necessary treatment. Despite the opinion that such pathologies are considered not dangerous for people because of the risk of developing serious consequences for the body, this is not true. Consequences with improper treatment or lack thereof, can be very serious, up to lethal outcome.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so it is important to have an idea of the causes and symptoms of dental diseases in order to identify them in time and avoid complications.

Causes of dental disease in humans

Diseases of the teeth and gums can appear both due to the…

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Why shouldn’t you put off going to the dentist?

November 15, 2023 Reading time ~ 3 min Number of reads: 1354

We should not put off visiting the dentist because teeth are a very important organ of our body. If we don't keep an eye on their health, we can face many problems. And this is not only directly related to the dento-mandibular system, but also to the work of some organs of the body, as well as to our psychological state.

Why should not delay a visit to the dentist?

If you do not treat your teeth now, it will cost much more in the future. So, by addressing the problem today, you save money in the long run.

A simple example. Untreated caries turns into pulpitis, the price for endodontic manipulations is higher. Missed this stage - the peri-dental tissues are affected, up to catastrophic destruction of the crown, infection of the root, loosening of the unit and, as a consequence, extraction.

To delay dental treatment is to increase the ris…

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Имплант или мост - кое е по-подходящо за липсващи зъби?

Мостовете и зъбните импланти се използват за заместване на липсващи зъби. При моста се възстановява само външната, коронкова част. Имплантът представлява изкуствен корен от титан, който се интегрира в костната тъкан и поема функциите на естествения зъбен корен. При равни други условия класическият мост не може да се конкурира с имплантите. Въпреки че поставянето на импланти е физиологична технология, мостовото протезиране, поддържано от собствените ви зъби, не губи позиции.

Какво представлява зъбният мост

Зъбният мост е фиксирана протезна конструкция, състояща се от няколко изкуствени коронки. Тя ви позволява да възстановите сегмент от липсващи последователни зъбни единици от 1 до 3. За закрепването са необходими две опори, които са вашите собствени зъби. Ето защо мостовете не се използват, когато са загубени най-отдалечените единици (краен дефект).

The classic bridge is a framework in the form of several crowns made of metal or precious alloys, covered with a layer of ceramic …

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Dental implant or denture – which is better to choose

The loss of even one tooth is accompanied by changes in the functionality of the entire row. Neighboring teeth are distorted, shifted to the side of the missing tooth. Bone loss begins in the empty area. There is no need to talk about the violation of chewing function and psychological discomfort. Implantation and classical prosthetics will help to restore the smile in this case. But dental implantation completely solves the problem of functionality and aesthetics of the tooth row. It is a physiological, durable method of prosthetics.

Methods of restoration of missing teeth

For the installation of any prosthetic structure, a support is necessary. Removable prostheses can be fixed directly to the gums, while fixed prostheses are supported by your own teeth or implants.

Снемаеми протези

Removable structures based on nylon or acrylic (full plate prosthesis) are fixed in the mouth by suction to the gums. They are indicated for comple…

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An alternative to dental implants

August 29, 2024 Reading time ~ 7 min Number of reads: 99004

Patients are looking for an alternative to implantation because of financial or clinical limitations to implantation of artificial roots. Removable prostheses (bra, flexible, acrylic) and fixed products made of metal-ceramic, all-ceramic, zirconium (dental bridges) are able to replace the implants incompletely. Rarely missing units are replaced by displacing the neighboring ones with braces. Implantation is the preferred option: it guarantees an aesthetic, long-lasting and reliable result, with safety for the neighboring units and benefits for the jawbone.

When an alternative to dental implants may be necessary

Implantation is not organized for everyone. Contraindications to surgery are:

Psychiatric pathologies; immunodeficiency conditions; cancer; decompensated diabetes mellitus; rheumatism; blood clotting problems; dis…
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Dental implants in HIV infection

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is the last stage of HIV infection. The body's ability to resist infections and diseases is rapidly declining, which affects organs and systems. Until recently, implantation in HIV was considered impossible. The emergence of one-stage minimally invasive techniques has made it possible to implant implants in people with severe chronic pathologies, including HIV and AIDS. Even patients diagnosed with immunodeficiency or hepatitis can be successfully implanted with the RUTT implant.

Whether implants can be used with HIV

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) gradually destroys the immune system, using its resources to replicate new viral particles. At a certain point, the body's resistance decreases to a critical point. An HIV-infected patient develops severe diseases that are rare in people with normal immunity. These are called opportunistic or AIDS-associated diseases.

Implantation is a surgical…

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Dental implantation in hepatitis

Hepatitis is an inflammatory pathology of the liver. When the disease develops, increased bleeding of wounds is observed against the background of protein deficiency. The prolonged healing period limits the number of surgical interventions: implants implantation in patients with hepatitis is longer and more difficult. On the eve of implantation of implants in a patient with hepatitis it is important to make a thorough preparation: examination by an implantologist, medical examination, tests. Permission for implantation is given by the therapist.

Is it possible to implant teeth with hepatitis?

Hepatitis is not an absolute contraindication to implantation. The operation is done if a number of conditions are met:

hepatitis is diagnosed in remission; there are no manifestations of pathology; blood parameters are not disturbed; the patient undergoes regular preventive examinations with a specialized doctor and follows therapeutic principle…
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Могат ли да се поставят зъбни импланти при захарен диабет

November 6, 2023 Reading time ~ 6 min Number of reads: 7981

Захарният диабет е патология на ендокринната система, съпроводена с инсулинова недостатъчност и срив на въглехидратната обмяна в организма. Високата концентрация на глюкоза в кръвта при диабет влошава заздравяването на раните. Това е фактор, който преди е възпрепятствал имплантирането при диабетици.

Въздействието на заболяването върху състоянието на зъбите

With increasing blood sugar levels, the negative effect of glucose on the body increases - conditions for the development of a number of oral diseases appear:

Hyposalivation (saliva deficiency). Dry mouth destroys the enamel layer - caries develops, pathogenic microflora spreads in the oral cavity. At high rates, acetone is released, increasing the demineralization of enamel. Inflammation of the gums. The root system of the tooth is destroyed. Wounds take a long time to heal, with the attachment of inf…
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