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Removable denture solves many problems: functional (chewing, diction), aesthetic (smile), psychological (no fear of communication). But it also has disadvantages. Unpleasant sensations caused by the fact that the gums are rubbed by the prosthesis.
Do not immediately blame the prosthodontist, over time the relief of the oral cavity changes. Due to the absence of teeth, bone atrophy increases, the gum sags, fixation is disturbed, eventually requiring correction or a new product.
Reasons for chafing of removable dentures
Even a perfectly made removable denture takes some getting used to. A foreign object in the mouth causes psychological problems and can also scratch and irritate the gum. That’s why adjustments take several visits and adjustment takes several weeks. But sometimes correction doesn’t work.
Removable dentures chafe when:
- Manufacturing technologies are violated: the techniciandidnot polish well enough or did not notice the growth, which irritates the mucosa, brings discomfort.
- The design is poorly fitted.
- The patient has untreated gum disease: periodontitis can be the reason that the gums under the dentures are inflamed, it not only provokes inflammation, but also changes the contour of the gum when it swells.
- Gingival recession: due to bone atrophy, trauma, unsuccessful treatment, the gum “sags” and the design no longer fits.
- Service life: over time, the base is covered with microcracks, roughness, which have an irritating effect.
What to do if the denture rubs the gum
Discomfort, burning, soreness should not be tolerated, it is necessary to immediately contact the prosthodontist. Inflammation of the gum under the denture causes improper putting on, unreliable fastening, periodontal diseases, as well as:
- Poor hygiene. Whether it is a full denture or partial, care for the oral cavity and the product itself should be thorough, so that pathogenic microflora does not provoke diseases.
- Failure to sanitize the oral cavity and dental treatment before prosthetics. Dental plaque and carious cavities are breeding grounds for microbes, so professional cleaning and treatment are prerequisites for a positive result.
- Allergic reactions. If acrylic is used in the design, then the symptoms may be a manifestation of allergies to monomers that are part of its composition.
First you need to eliminate the cause, and then adjust the prosthesis, professionally it can only be done by an orthopedic doctor.
Symptoms that require urgent medical attention
Patients often think that if the gums under the dentures hurt, it is normal, so they delay going to the doctor. Swelling and redness appears on the gums. If nothing is done at this stage, erosions and ulcers appear on the mucosa. Traumatic (prosthetic) stomatitis develops, medication is needed.
Constant mechanical irritation leads to the formation of papillomas, which can develop into tumors.
Methods of gum treatment
Manipulations depend on the cause:
- in case of allergic reactions, the base is changed to a hypoallergenic one (nylon, AcryFree), antihistamines are prescribed;
- in case of papillomas, excision surgery is performed;
- when a removable denture chafes, correction (rebasing) is performed;
- if the crown has fallen off, it is soldered back on.
To soothe inflammation of the gums, apply ointments, infusions and lotions.
Pharmacy remedies: Camistad, Metrogil Denta, Solcoseryl, Cholestal, Acepta. These gels and pastes have analgesic and anti-inflammatory action. Before smearing them on the gums, carefully read the instructions.
Disinfectant solutions: chlorhexidine, furacilin, destroy pathogenic flora.
Home remedies: applications of sea buckthorn and rosehip oil. Gargles in the form of infusions of sage and plantain. Solutions of soda and salt also soothe irritation in the mouth.
3 ways to solve the problem, if the denture dented the gum
- Correction of the existing denture. The contour of the gum changes over time, so the restoration needs to be adjusted regularly. Rebasing the denture lengthens the life of the denture and improves comfort.
- Fabrication of a new denture. If the base is covered with cracks, micropores, broken, a new denture is made. When trying on the patient, it is important to voice all your feelings so that the doctor can adjust the design for a better fit.
- Implant prosthetics. Modern methods of implantation with immediate loading allow the prosthesis to be fitted immediately after surgery. Implant prosthetics can be removable or fixed. Thanks to the use of surgical protocols, the fit of these prostheses is very precise and comfortable to wear.
Advantages of prosthetics on implants
- Bone tissue does not diminish, the contour of the face is preserved, the smile looks younger;
- Supporting teeth are not damaged;
- any number of teeth can be restored;
- Immediately after implantation, a temporary denture or a permanent porcelain composite (with the Resmile method) can be worn;
- there are no problems with suction (as in removable dentures), the structures are fixed on screws or dental cement.
ROOTT dentists’ work on implant prosthetics for periodontal disease
Avoiding gum inflammation while wearing dentures will be helped by proper preparation for prosthetics, the skill of the prosthodontist, a highly qualified technician, modern equipment and compliance with the rules of care:
- rinse the denture regularly with running water;
- clean the remaining teeth, gums, tongue;
- wipe the gums with gum rinse if there are no teeth;
- avoid situations in which the structure may break.
Compliance with the recommendations will help to avoid complications, but still if the gum under the denture is swollen – it is better to immediately contact the dentist for professional help.