{"id":3642,"date":"2024-04-02T13:05:00","date_gmt":"2024-04-02T10:05:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/dentist-uae.com\/rejting-zubnyh-implantov\/"},"modified":"2024-09-21T00:59:37","modified_gmt":"2024-09-20T21:59:37","slug":"dental-implants-rating","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dentist-uae.com\/et\/dental-implants-rating\/","title":{"rendered":"Hambaimplantaatide hindamine"},"content":{"rendered":"

\n\t Hambaimplantaadid koguvad kiiresti populaarsust. Igal aastal parandab umbes miljon patsienti oma elukvaliteeti ja naeratuse esteetilisust t\u00e4nu implantaatidele. Turul on k\u00fcmneid kaubam\u00e4rke ja mudeleid ning nad k\u00f5ik konkureerivad omavahel. Iga v\u00e4ljaantud post kuulub konkreetsesse, kuigi mitteametlikku kategooriasse ja m\u00f5jutab kaubam\u00e4rgi populaarsust. Hambaarstid v\u00e4idavad, et parim hambaimplantaat on see, mis sobib konkreetsele kliinilisele juhtumile. Miks siis \u00fcks implantaat maksab 15 tuhat rubla ja teine 60 tuhat?<\/p>\n

\n\t The price of an implant is influenced by many factors, first of all – the manufacturer. Well-known brands invest millions of dollars in research, development and search for new technologies. The high quality of their products is guaranteed, because the products of well-known brands meet all the key parameters required for implants.<\/p>\n

\n\t Let’s consider what criteria affect the rating of dental implants.<\/p>\n

The level of engraftment<\/h2>\n

\n\t It should be noted that in all well-known brands it is quite high, not less than 97%<\/i>. However, in premium brands it is higher than 99% (Straumann, Nobel Biocare, Roott, Astra Tech). German, Israeli, Korean implants strive to achieve the same results, but their studies are not as long, this affects the long-term prognosis.\n<\/p>\n

\n\t The engraftment rate is a relative concept, because it depends not only on the quality of the post. The skill of the implantologist and the patient’s compliance with the recommendations play a major role. It is not without reason that it is said that the best dental implants are those placed by a top-notch surgeon, although other factors should also be taken into account.<\/p>\n

Osteointegration time<\/h2>\n

\n\t In order for a titanium post to perform all the functions of a natural tooth, it must grow bone tissue. This phenomenon is called osseointegration. Only after this process is complete, the implant becomes stable and ready for prosthetics. In the classical protocol, implantation is carried out in 2 stages. 10-15 years ago it took 6 to 9 months<\/i> between insertion and prosthetics. The modern design and coating of implants from leading companies have reduced this time to 2, maximum 3 months. So, what implants are better to put depends also on how long the patient is willing to wait for the completion of the osseointegration process.<\/p>\n
